
Nordlond Sagas for the Dungeon Fantasy RPG

Created by Douglas H. Cole (Gaming Ballistic)

The crowdfunding campaign "The Nordlond Sagas" produced four new books for the Dungeon Fantasy RPG. Get those here . . . and much more!

Latest Updates from Our Project:

Backerkit Stretch Goals
over 4 years ago – Wed, Oct 30, 2019 at 01:48:57 PM

There were only limited goals this campaign. Funding at $15K, the offset print run at 300 physical copies ordered, and extra pages in the adventure books  if we hit $29K.

I did say that Backerkit counts towards all goals. I don't much care where the funds come from. I also said that the difference between the price of the offset run and the POD was low enough sitting where we are (Nordlondr Folk has 278 physical copies ordered as of now) that I was going to do the offset run anyway.

That leaves the $29K goal . . . but one can't just say "raised in Backerkit plus raised in Kickstarter," because shipping fees don't help me produce books.

The good news is, I finally found the report that lets me separate the two: the VAT report. I've never worried about that since I usually ship books and those are VAT-exempt. But what it actually is is "total dollars raised," "total for goods," and "total for shipping."

So if the total for goods exceeds $29,000 the final stretch goal falls.

Where are we now, as of noon on Oct 30? $25,761. So still have $3,239 left to go before we hit the goal. I'll keep folks posted if we get close.

Surveys Have Launched; Store Open; Extras
over 4 years ago – Tue, Oct 29, 2019 at 10:01:51 PM

Another quick one!

The surveys have all gone out. Things seem to be OK with them for now.

The link to the pre-order store is here. Please encourage your friends and fellow gamers to check it out and come in late. 

Also, I said extra copies of the core three books would be available for $60. That bundle is now on the store. So is a $4 Nordlondr map for those that want PDF versions of the maps instead of print.

The Smoke Test is Live!
over 4 years ago – Mon, Oct 28, 2019 at 11:57:44 PM

Roughly 21 folks will get the smoke test. Please report any problems to me as soon as you discover them. Hopefully things will go swimmingly.

Once that's underpinned, I'll send out the rest of the surveys and encourage folks to send out the pre-order store link.

Funds Arrived; Waiting for Backerkit to Approve; Shipping
over 4 years ago – Mon, Oct 28, 2019 at 11:56:59 PM

Quick updates.

Funds Arrived

The funds arrived in my account. Total deductions for Kickstarter and Credit Card fees was 8.3%, so the total I get to use to make the books was $22,837. As a nifty first, 100% of cards were accepted, approved, charged successfully, whatever. That's cool.

Backerkit and Smoke Test

I think I fixed the issues I was having with Backerkit . . . but the smoke test today will hopefully see that. What I did is create a zero charge level for 0-1 ounces, which should allow folks that order ONLY PDFs to have the appropriately zero shipping fees.

I hope that they'll approve me today; if so, the smoke test will go out and about 10% of you guys will get the survey. There are no question on it, just right to the selection of rewards and add-ons.

It's possible I missed something; if so, it's not malicious. Just send me a polite reminder and I'll either address it or not, and explain why.

Shipping Costs

You'll see this in the survey, but shipping costs are higher than in the past. I have usually taken a pretty "well, it all comes out in the wash" attitude to shipping costs, accepting a few dollars of subsidy here and there as the cost of doing business. I can't do that this campaign: I want to ensure all spendable funds go to making the four books extremely awesome, an a few hundred bucks is the cost of a few more pieces of art, more pages, etc. 

The fact that all the shipping is books makes things easier: it's strictly based on weight. The base cost of shipping for non-PDF items is:

  • USA: $8 for the first 16 ounces, $1 per 2 lbs after that.
  • UK: $8 for the first 36 ounces (Royal Mail is awesome this way; very flat costs)
  • EU: $9 for the first 11 ounces, 2 lbs will run about $15
  • Rest of World: $10 for the first 7 ounces;  you're at $20 by the time you get to 2 lbs.

This includes base postage, handling fees from fulfillment, per-item costs, and packaging. 

Shipping - especially international shipping - is the sore point in any Kickstarter, and this one is no different. No one likes it, the creators as well as the Backers. But I reiterate that shipping costs are a pass through for me: I make no money on this. 

Add-Ons and Latecomers

One last piece: if you were following the campaign but didn't pledge for whatever reason, once the Backerkit and Pre-orders go live is an excellent time to jump on board. With full visibility to shipping costs and delivery at the same time as the first wave of campaign pledges, a "late" pledge is nearly as good (and in some ways, better) than one during the campaign...once the thing is funded, of course. Which it was.

So: come on in. The water's fine.

Backerkit launches soon
over 4 years ago – Sat, Oct 26, 2019 at 12:23:00 AM

I've got most of my stuff set up, I think, to launch the Backerkit survey. The only lingering question in my mind is "will the items for which I say don't collect shipping address because they're PDFs clash with the shipping options I picked. My hunch is yes. Which means I'll have to sort that.

I hope to go live on Monday or Tuesday; the "open survey" period will officially last until November 17, but in reality folks can pre-order and adjust things up to the point where I send the files to the printer.