
Nordlond Sagas for the Dungeon Fantasy RPG

Created by Douglas H. Cole (Gaming Ballistic)

The crowdfunding campaign "The Nordlond Sagas" produced four new books for the Dungeon Fantasy RPG. Get those here . . . and much more!

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Norldondr Folk Art Preview
over 4 years ago – Sat, Nov 09, 2019 at 06:31:32 PM

Ksenia sent me the first four images. Thought I'd share.

Pricing error fixed; progress report
over 4 years ago – Fri, Nov 08, 2019 at 11:08:06 AM

Pricing Error

One of you guys noticed the Citadel at Nordvorn PDF-only price was $28 instead of what it should have been, which was $14. If you were holding off getting the PDF due to price, you don't have to hold off anymore. If you have added it as PDF-only to your card, you now have a $14 credit.

Thanks for pointing out the error.


It's not news that the Hand of Asgard book is basically done. I have some hyperlinks and artist attribution to add, but that's not a lot of time, and it's very much not critical path.

Nordlondr Folk art is still being finalized, but is on the way. If I get any preview images to show, I'll show them. I think they're really fun.

I'm editing the adventures, but it's admittedly slow going. I'm spending FAR too much time dealing with trying to sell my old house (we moved in May) and that was all supposed to be freakin' DONE before October ended. So instead of "sitting down editing" I'm "on the phone with the realtor folks trying to work with recalcitrant buyers." 

That's my own problem, but it's a real problem. I'm going to see what I can do this weekend to pull forward. There are two chapters completely edited on Forest's End (out of about seven). I edit as I do layout, so as soon as that's done, I can commission art. Forest's End is the larger of the two books, either 64 or 80 pages depending on how editing, layout, and budget goes (it's clear Backerkit is not going strongly enough to push us to the 'no problem for 80 pages' level). Then after that kicks off, I'll hit The Dragons of Rosgarth.

So that's where we stand.  

Hand of Asgard: Art Preview
over 4 years ago – Mon, Nov 04, 2019 at 12:15:07 AM

For Hand of Asgard, in all cases but one I have final art; for that I have rough-color (though it's still VERY good even if the artist calls it rough).

I thought I'd share an art preview.

Cover (Teresa Guido)

The Allfather (Thanh Tran)

Goddess of Death (Kriz Villaciz)

The Fates (Steven Shan)

The Lawgiver (Piotr Jamroz)

The Lady of Life (Rick Troula)

The Trickster/God of Mischief (Juan Ochoa)

Queen of the World (Matsya Das Bdds)

The Snow Queen (Sandrine Malus)

God of Thunder (Kriz Villacis)

Lord of Warding (Eren Arik)

The God of Wind and Sea (Juan Ochoa)

Valkyrie (Rick Troula)

So, that's the art for the book. I hope you guys enjoy it as much as I do.

Roleplay Rescue Podcast: Me, Che, and GURPS
over 4 years ago – Sun, Nov 03, 2019 at 01:01:31 AM

I joined host Che Webster on his podcast Roleplay Rescue. The entire subject was GURPS and the Dungeon Fantasy RPG.

Ep 502: Talking GURPS with Douglas Cole

Backerkit 75% Complete
over 4 years ago – Fri, Nov 01, 2019 at 05:03:35 PM


We're doing pretty well on the Backerkit/Survey side of things. Only 100 folks to go of those who pledged during the campaign. That's good; 321 have already filled out their surveys, and another 8 have placed pre-orders.

Progress: Editing and Art

Editing continues on the adventure manuscripts; I'm spending my time on Forest's End mostly thus far. Being "the only guy who knows all the lore" is only an advantage when you are also "the only guy doing the writing." It makes for excellent back and forth with the author(s), but it's a lot of back and forth. So work proceeds, but a bit more slowly than I'd like.

On the other hand, Hand of Asgard art is coming in rapidly enough that the entire book might wind up being done this weekend. I'm looking for a note from the artist for Nordlondr Folk as well, but there's been some nasty, 'you knocked out my internet' scale weather where she lives, so we'll see. Once the art for Nordlondr Folk is in, I'll do a final edit/proofing pass on both books (HoA and NF) and those will ship out in "check this PDF out" format probably the day after credit cards are charged.

The adventures will take longer. My schedule is "final files to printer before Xmas," and I suspect I'm going to need all of that time to settle both text and art. The initial proofing PDFs of the adventures will likely go out without art, and they'll be staggered somewhat in terms of delivery after the two smaller books. I'm not convinced that the schedule will slip yet . . . but I'm not convinced it won't, either. 

So that's where we are. The small books are looking really, really good. The larger ones are making forward progress but it's slower than I'm used to. 

More later!

Oh, here's a preview from HoA:

(Art by Piotr Jamroz)